Thursday, June 4, 2009

Curious Incident- Journal #4

This journal is about trust and the importance of trust to Christopher.

When Christopher finds out that his Father was lying about his mother, and the death of Wellington, he looses his composure and himself. When someone that loves you lies about two huge things going on, of course you would be upset and angry. The difference is that Christopher cannot identify those emotions. He didn't understand that his father would never do that to him. As far as Christopher knows, if his dad killed a dog, his dad could kill anyone else.

Christopher feels that since his Father lied about two things, his dad may be lying about everything else too. With his state of mind, he becomes completely overwhelmed and in order to keep himself safe, he hides and runs away.

Christopher's mind does work differently than our minds. When I read the book, I sometimes wished I could get inside the mind of Christopher and teach him about emotions. Once I thought about that, I realized that Christopher probably doesn't understand my mind and would think that my thoughts are abnormal and illogical. It is interesting to look at both perspectives.

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