Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Journal #3

The views on marriage that I have seen so far in the play have been different. Paris and Lady Capulet see marriage as more of a social status and necessity rather than for love. The nurse sees marriage as a way to love, and have children. Capulet is for marriage, but considering Juliet is his only living daughter, he wants to wait until she is older, and more ready. He sees it as a mutual descision between himself and Juliet. At this point Juliet has no desire to marry. She is not in love and feels she is too young.
I agree with Juliets aproach to marriage. These days and to me, one marry's for a life full of love and happiness. I think in order to marry, both parties must agree to marry, and love eachother. In the elizabethan times, women married young and didn't have a say as to who they woulde marry. This approach of marriage to me is absurd, and cruel.
I hope that Lady Capulet and Capulet will understand and do what is best for Juilet.